Llaeth Y Llan Commercial
When Tom Bryan from Shark Biscuit Productions first approached me about this project I was really excited to get my teeth sunk into the work. It was a chance for me to use all of the brand new equipment in the studio and get to grips with the new set up.

The first thing I had to do on this project was to record the voice over for the commercial. Rick O'shea was our voice over artist for this particular project and it didn't take us very long to get a usable take for the commercial. Our Neumann U87ai microphone is such a classic sounding VO microphone and it was the ideal piece of kit to use on this project. Tom also wanted me to add very simple sound design to the project. With access to our massive library of sound I was able to pick out numerous sounds to match the picture to great effect. The next stage was to begin mixing. This was a very exciting stage at it was a chance for me to really get into the ins and out on our new mixing console the Digidesign C24. Once I was happy with the session it was then time to finalise my mix by using a process I was completely new too and that was making the mix an R128 compliant mix. This again, was a great chance for me to use a new piece of software that we recently purchased from iZotope.
The commercial was broadcasted for a good period of time on ITV Wales along with the Welsh version that was also broadcast on S4C. It was great fun working on the project with great feedback both from Shark Biscuit Productions and work colleagues.